Sunday, February 3, 2008

Different colors envoke different emotions. For instance the color red, to many people can symbolize anger or something of importance, i.e. a fire extinguisher or an exit sign. Marketing teams consider these color coordinations and subconscious meanings greatly when putting products on the market. These brightly colored bags are meant to grab the attention of prospective child buyers. If not with their own money it should be colorful enough for them to beg, nag, cry, torment and break down their parents will to say "no" one more time. These marketing teams know that no child is going to go bananas over a khaki colored bag with no frills or exciting colors. The same goes for toys. No child wants to play with, again, a blandly colored unexciting toy. These subconscious color associations fire off little signals off in our brains without us even knowing. The clear study and use of this is apparent in every grocery store, shopping mall and shop everywhere.

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